Saturday, January 8, 2011

Nephite Sword

1 comment:

  1. Hello, first of all kudos on the great website this is a much needed blog and i look forward to further posts. i do have a concern however about the swords you have posted here. i have been studying the migration period in europe (great subject) and i dont think that using migration period swords as an example of a nephite sword is a good idea. there is about a 1200 year difference between those migration period swords and the point in the book of mormon when the sword of laban is mentioned. they are also from two very very different cultures. my sincere reccomendation would be to start with the sword of laban at about 600 BC in jerusalem. i would look at syrian swords from this period, hebrew swords, and possibly turkish swords, or other cultures that are from the same time period and region as jerusalem. the migration period sword is a descendant of the roman spatha which is a descendant of la tene period celtic swords here again a very different culture from 600 BC Hebrews. Thank you again for posting this blog, i like it and i look forward to future posts.
